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In Santiago, Plaza de Armas and its surroundings are territories in dispute. Here, hundreds of people carry multiple activities, either for financially subsisting or resisting their own political positions. Street commerce; prostitution; tourism; protests; services fishing; ephemeral arts performances; musicians; comedians; evangelical preaching; within many other manifestations are happening on its daily life. The square is a place occupied by bodies and identities dissimilar which in a organic manner appropriate – at times briefly, others daily – of benches, sculptures, subway exits, the Cathedrals surroundings and even the big letters STGO. While wondering about this diverse place, movement is a constant.


Espacio218 depicts its second curatorial season as “Ocupar el Flujo; Occupy the flow” which is an invitation to rethink ways to join the daily grind. This call is centered around fleeting activities that occur on the square and so to provoke new within the heterogeneity described priorly. This year we search for proposals that consider their development in the residency, as well as outside, to create ways, materials, and thematic lines of occupying the square and its surroundings.


After our first year of experimentation, we consider that the artistic can deepen through those flows, lay bridges and even disagreements, just as quotidian experiences. We no longer believe it’s necessary to solely anchor or observe other practices, but rather to introduce own as possibilities in that universe where no permission is needed.

About the residency


Locals and foreigners are allowed to participate; with or without academic formation if they can prove experience within the artistic field and/or as researchers. (Residents outside of Santiago will have priority). Diverse areas of interest are allowed such as visual arts, performative arts, audiovisual production, music, crafts, poetry, architecture, maintaining visuals main axis. In the scenario of collective art groups or teams, a maximum of two people are allowed in representation.


The length of the residency is 6 weeks, considering at least 2 weeks opened to general audience. Within this period residents will accommodate the space at their disposal as room and workshop. During this time, they’ll be able to develop their project individually or collectively and participate in talks with specialists and audiences to exchange experiences (all activities are planned). It is expected to comply with a minimum of two activities open to the public, one of them is mandatory to happen at the end of the residency period of exhibition. This final activity will have the purpose of showcasing the result of the work done, as well as reflecting around the process that took place.


  • A total of three projects will be selected.

What does the residency at Espacio218 offer?


  • Stay in the 218 apartment at Portal Fernandez Concha, which has basic living amenities (1 room, bathroom, kitchen, workspace with internet)

  • Financing fee of 400.000CLP + 150.000CLP for operational expenses managed by space team.

  • Interregional travel expenses

  • Coordination of meetings artists, curators, and researchers. Also, academic visits from schools and universities.

  • The space will be in optimal conditions for use and clean and is expected to be returned in the same condition.

  • There is a possibility to create interventions at the space if they are consulted and approved with the space team by email beforehand. Any intervention must later be undone, under the artists responsibility.

  • Espacio218 is committed to managing the production of the exhibition and its promotion on social networks and media.

  • There is the possibility of selling artworks. Our team manages collector relations, and a 25% commission fee is requested on every purchase. Further details will on this scheme will be clarified upon acceptance.


The residency does not include:


  • International travel

  • Visas and other costs for entering the country. Each participant must be responsible of obtaining the corresponding documentation.

  • Travel insurance. In case it is requested to access the country.

How to apply?


The following documentation must be sent to the team email:


  1. Preliminary proposal with a letter detailing intentions to carry on at the residency and specifying any intervention on the space, the square or its surroundings.

  2. Portfolio

  • The selection committee will only formally review proposals which adjust to the previously mentioned criteria.


CLOSING: March 10. 2023. 23.59Hrs.


  • ¿La residencia debe ser trabajada EN la Plaza de Armas?
    No, no es necesario. La plaza y sus alrededores permiten construir propuestas de trabajo para guiar el proceso de residencia, que podrá tener lugar tanto en terreno como en el departamento de Espacio218, dependiendo de cada artista.

  • ¿Pueden participar curadores? 
    Sí, pueden participar. Solo es necesario que su propuesta considere una instancia expositiva de 4 semanas.

  • ¿Solo se reciben proyectos de artes visuales?
    No, se reciben desde distintas áreas: artes escénicas, producción audiovisual, música, artesanía, poesía, arquitectura, manteniendo como eje la visualidad.

  • ¿Por qué “Obstinarse”?
    Cada año hemos planteado un concepto curatorial, tanto el 2022 como el 2023 decidimos que la Plaza de Armas tenía que ser el eje, porque su presencia es muy fuerte y abre muchas posibilidades de creación. Para este año consideramos que no era necesario buscar algo diferente, ya que la plaza permite reflexiones amplias y diversas. Por eso queremos insistir, quizás porfiadamente, en que los proyectos se relacionen con la plaza y sus alrededores y que les artistas se desafíen a vincularla con su práctica.  

  • ¿Por qué les interesa trabajar con artistas de regiones?
    Las residencias tienen un factor territorial muy fuerte, por ello nos interesa que artistas de región y también extranjeros puedan relacionarse con este lugar que les es ajeno y que está impregnado de las dinámicas que conforman la ciudad de Santiago. Así también, nos interesa que se pueda generar un intercambio entre las distintas escenas artísticas de las que participan les artistas.

  • Si mi proyecto es elegido y soy de Santiago ¿Obligatoriamente debo residir en Espacio218?
    No, es decisión de le artista. El departamento también puede ser usado como el espacio de trabajo y donde se desarrolla proyecto. Es suficiente con que se habite durante el día mientras dura la residencia.


  • ¿Cuánto duran las residencias?
    8 semanas, de estas 4 deben ser de exhibición y por tanto, apertura al público.

  • ¿Hasta cuándo se reciben postulaciones?
    Hasta el domingo 31 de marzo a las 23.59 hrs.

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